Robert Smith, Stevie Wonder, Nicki Minaj, Cake 200 more sign open letter 'against predatory A.I."

Robert Smith, Stevie Wonder, Nicki Minaj, Cake 200 more sign open letter 'against predatory A.I."

More than 200 artists have signed an open letter requesting that A.I. development companies be mindful of artists when developing future A.I. The letter was signed by 200+ artists including Robert smith of the Cure, Elvis Costello, Cake, Stevie Wonder, Chuck D, Nicki Minaj, the estate of T-Rex, the estate of Bob Marley, Czarface, Katy Perry, Bon Jovi, Peter Frampton,Billie Eilish, Don Was, and many more.
In short, the letter requests/demands that developers, technology companies, and platforms and digital music services “pledge that they will not develop or deploy AI music-generation technology, content, or tools that undermine or replace the human artistry of songwriters and artists or deny us fair compensation for our work.” It continues, “Make no mistake: we believe that, when used responsibly, AI has enormous potential to advance human creativity and in a manner that enables the development and growth of new and exciting experiences for music fans everywhere.”
You can read the letter here.