Hotlung has a new album coming out! Check out the new track!

Hotlung has a new album coming out! Check out the new track!

Whoa! Hotlung has a new album coming out! We're debuting the first track!

Hotlung is a nbew-ish band from Santa Cruz. The lineup includes Kelly Dalbeck (Daxma) and Joe Clements (Furry 66, The Deathless). Influenced by post-punk hallmarks like Quicksand, Seaweed, and even Fugazi, the band makes really big, really introspective, icy sounding music=, It's heavy conceptually and sonically, and has some melody, too. The new album is their first record and it sounds like a band that knows what they are doing.
Dalbeck had this to say about the track, "It's about being a woman in general and never really feeling like you have complete agency over your own body. You're never the one in complete control of it, there's always some other factor going on. My experience has been that as women we sometimes disassociate from our bodies, too.

You can pre-order the album here and here and you can check out the new tune below, right now!