Interviews: Daryl of the Bollweevils talks the bands new LP, T1 Fest, and Steve Albini

T1 Fest is October 10,11, and 12 at Reggie's in Chicago. Bollweevils are one of the headliners, making the gig their second time at the fest. They also just released an album last year. So, Punknews' John Gentile spoke to singer Daryl Wilson about the fest, the band's new LP, and even a little bit about the fact that he is a ER Doctor! Read the article below.

You recently released your first record in almost 30 years. What did that feel like and what is the core message of the release? Thank you for having me John. Boy, I can't believe it's been a year since Essential was released. That record means a lot to me. Lots of emotions looking back in hindsight. I really feel a sense of accomplishment releasing a record that was so good after such a long time.
The core message is about doing things you love, finding your priorities, and setting out to meet your goals. These things are essential to living your best life despite perceived set backs. It's also an homage to all the essential workers who keep society afloat.

Bollweevils have played a few different t1 fests. Why is this particular fest important to you? Well this would be our second T1 Fest and we are proud to support this event. First off, to raise money in the effort to help combat type 1 diabetes is the pinnacle of reasons to do this fest. As a physician I see the complications that type 1 diabetes can reap upon those that are afflicted with the disease, especially in those with poor access to healthcare resources. To raise funds to donate to organizations that are researching more effective treatments and even curative medical interventions is a no brainer to have The Bollweevils involved.

You have a live album that pays homage to the Misfits live album. Did you ever get wind of Glenn Danzig's opinion on the cover? Ahh yes. The Weevilive cover. Surprisingly we haven't had any word come from Danzig's camp. Have you heard something? If there was any input, good or bad, that would be amazing. I would gather he didn't notice or care because we weren't significant enough to warrant attention. It was all done because we all loved Evil Live. Truly done as a tribute to the Misfits. Thanks for calling attention to us John. We were flying under the radar for such a long time.

You all recorded with Steve Albini. What was that experience like? It was really interesting. The whole time we were recording, I was talking to him about the practice of medicine, Montana, college campus people, his motorcycle crash, just a whole bunch of topics. We rarely discussed anything related to music. I thought that was the coolest thing. He was funny, and shot straight from the hip. I respect that in a person. The recording session degenerated into a bunch of band infighting which was typical of us unfortunately. It came out of the initial mix sounded pretty radio friendly. Albini asked us how it sounded and everyone was like…this sounds amazing. Then he moves a few sliders and suddenly it sounded so low fidelity and our smiles all turned to frowns. He says totally dead pan…this is what you sound like. I honestly wasn't paying attention to the mixing because at that time in our existence my opinions on what to add weren't listened to by my band mates. Oh man, that session made for some long standing fights. Despite all that, I had a great time talking to Steve. It was a blast for me.

"Resistance" off the new album is obviously about standing up to the powers that be. Some nine months later, and after much political turbulence in USA, how are you feeling about the state of the USA, right now? Despite the turbulence we are living through today, we are still living in some pretty amazing times. We always have to be on the lookout for those that would rather see us digress rather than move forward. There have always been Luddites who think that progress is dangerous. Stagnation only leads to extinction. It's ludicrous that people believe that treating other humans with respect and dignity is somehow harmful. That sleep walking through life is taking the enlightened pathway. I feel optimistic that we have a large contingency of young people that are tired of the games that get played in our general society. It's a matter of being organized and having a plan. You can't just complain or protests and not have an ask. And the ask can't be without a plan to implement the changes you want to see. You also have to know how to listen and negotiate. When you listen you have to hear those that speak with reason. There are some very unreasonable people out there with loud voices. Regardless of those shouting nonsense, I still think that reason is the only thing that matters and can still cut through the noise.

What's something useful or interesting that you know that most people don't know? The simple answer is Emergency Medicine right? The funny answer is obscure 70s and 80s music, cartoons, commercials, toys, and other random useless facts.
Another answer is that the word Priorities became a plural word in the 1900s. It was always a singular word when it was introduced initially in the 1400s. It's illogical to have multiple priorities because there can be only one true priority. It probably became plural because of the industrial revolution to make people feel like they could create more time out of nothing. It's always a great reminder to me that you should always make sure you find your true priority in life and keep that in mind when you make any decisions. Something should be really important if it takes the place, even transiently, of your true priority.
Get your priorities in order people!