Shkreli ordered to turn over all copies of world's most expensive record

The battle for the world's most expensive record rages on. As you may remember, in 2015, Martin Shkreli made news for both drastically raising the price of a rare HIV medication from $13.50 to $750 a pill, and also for buying the one-of-a-kind Wu Tang clan album Once Upon a Time In Shaolin for two million dollars. The two million dollar sale made the album the most expensive album ever sold, surpassing Elvis' first acetate and White Album serial number 1.
But, after Shkreli got the record, he was convicted of three felonies related to security fraud and had his assets seized by the Federal government, including his Wu-Tang album. Shkreli went to jail for a few years. The Feds sold the record to a then-unknown buyer for a whopping $4+ million. That buyer turned out to be PleasrDAO, a "collective" that describes itself as a "collective of Defi leaders, early NFT collectors, and digital artists who have built a formidable yet benevolent reputation for acquiring cultural significant piece with a charitable twist."
PleasrDao has the physical copy of the record in a vault, but according to a lawsuit filed by the… "NFT collective"… Shkreli has threatened to release digital and perhaps physical copies of the record to the public. Shkreli has allegedly stated he will stream the album on one of his livestreams. In April, on Twitter, Shkreli clearly stated "LOL i have the mp3s you moron".
The suit was filed in June and late last week, Judge Pamela Chen in the Eastern District of New York granted a preliminary restraining order against Shkreli for “possessing, using, disseminating, or selling any interest in the Wu-Tang Clan album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” or any copies or reproductions thereof.
Shkreli’s lawyer Edward Paltzik said “this Order is merely a preliminary measure entered by the Court to maintain the perceived status quo before any discovery occurs - the Order has no bearing whatsoever on the final outcome of the case.” We will keep you updated.