Listen to the new album by The Bobby's and read a track-by-track breakdown!

Today we are stoked to bring you the premiere of the new album by Chilliwack, British Columbia-based The Bobby's! The album is called Where The Magic Happens and features 13 ripping punk tracks. We caught up with lead vocalist Mervis, drummer JP, and guitarists Craigy and Bush to hear their thoughts on each of the songs. Where The Magic Happens will be out everywhere on October 4. Listen to the full album below and read the track-by-track breakdown below!

Where The Magic Happens Track-By-Track Breakdown


I had a 2-day phase of listening to garage rock, and I thought I’d try writing something like that. It didn’t really work at all, and the demo was way slower. The vocals were made up on the spot, and I thought those are kind of alright, so they stayed! I have no idea what a Hearn is, someone said it at band practice one time, and I guess I thought it was funny enough to become a song title -M

Let’s Mosh!

This was an old demo from like 10 years ago.Pretty sure I wanted to write a Bad Religion song, but it had no words. Fast forward ten years, and I started doing some moshing again (in small doses) and thought I should write some lyrics about this as a 38 year old dude -M


Another old demo that the band said we should do. The original was on clean guitar,my attempt at writing a Dead Milkmen song I think. The lyrics are pretty self explanatory. They are about my failing body (which seems to come up in a lot of songs). I have no idea how to do tapping sounds on guitar, but luckily our guitar players do! -M

Haunted House

The oldest trick in the book of writing lyrics is = Sing what you know! I fuckin hate being scared and haunted houses are really really good at that. This song features some cool samples of ghostly sounds and a slide guitar making spooky noises! The answer is no if you want me to come join in with you on haunted house night! -M

The Alien Song

We couldn’t think of a better name so the alien song it is! Wrote this during my X Files series binge session. Although it may seem like a true story, it is all made up! I asked Craigy to add some cool Santana riffage on there, and he did not disappoint! I think this is my favourite on the album, but don’t quote me on that. -M

Punk-o-Rama 5000M

This was a super old song I attempted at doing like a hard rock or whatever kinda music its called that it sounds like. Now to me it just sounds like that riff from that Less than Jake song. The lyrics are about wanting them to make good Punk-O-Ramas again, cause in my youth those comps were life! Well 1 through 5 were, the rest kinda sucked after that. Featuring a solo by Bush! -M

Nocturnally Bound

A few years back I put out an album about all outdoor themed songs, and this was one of them! I was listening to a lot of Radioactivity at the time, and poof! Out came this song. The original was on clean guitar. I often think about how bad ass nocturnal animals are, and how they just slip away when it's day time, so this one goes out to them! -M

Fastpitch Ball

Fastpitch Ball is an homage to our good friend, lost into the cruel world of beer league slow pitch. Once a prominent part of the local music scene, Berb left to pursue life in the local Vancouver baseball club. If you listen on Sundays, you might hear him yelling “Hustle” at one of his teammates – JP

A Brief Lesson in Songwriting

This was a fun song to write,and also very easy. I basically just wrote a song structure, and then made lyrics telling what I was doing. (Highly recommend to anyone who can't think of anything to write about) The bridge is something I stole from a Smashing Pumpkins song, not sure if it's obvious or not, but I was hoping it would be! The chorus reminds me of Blink 182, and that is all. -M

Red Painted Town (Worthy of 2 breakdowns)

I was listening to The Lillingtons Stella Sapiente album and was inspired by their sort of 1980’s style guitar tones. The structure of the song fell into place around the opening guitar riff. Not much of a thought process here. The chord changes and arrangement seemed to happen naturally. -C
“Red Painted Town” was originally recorded for The Bobbys’ first album but didn’t end up making the cut. Just before we were about to start working on Where the Magic Happens, I heard the old recording for this song and said, “Why the fuck isn’t this song going on the album?” and insisted we at least record it and see how it turns out. This song is one of my favourites due to the dynamics going on between the chorus-drenched guitars in the verses and the heavier distortion kicking in afterwards, plus all the little ear-candy leads throughout the song. Big NOFX-esq octave laden ending ftw. -B

Where are my Bowling Shoes

This song is kinda cool. I think it has a weird time signature in the chorus, but I could be wrong. It also features a chord I like a lot, although I don’t remember the name .Something with a 7 in it. (It gets used a lot.) This is a fictional tale about a woman stealing a man's bowling shoes, and him getting mad, and saying the relationship is over. A tale as old as time! Still wish I added some keyboards to it, though. -M


Ok, let's face it.We have all been there.No matter how clean you think that wipe was, somehow It makes it through! I wanted to write a fast song to impress my punk band friends. I took it over to Craigs and we recorded a demo for it in one evening.Him and his wife even helped with the lyrics! The bridge in this song is too high for me to sing,so if anyone wants to sing it for us live, please let us know! - M

Give Me Your Brains

Another song that is based around the opening guitar riff. There was no idea or inspiration going into this one. Just started recording an idea that I thought sounded cool and built off of that. I never thought this would become a Bobby's song, until papi got his hands on it -C