Editors' Picks: A Wilhelm Scream / Balzac

Editors' Picks: A Wilhelm Scream / Balzac

Adam: There's quite a buzz building around New Bedford, Massachusetts' A Wilhelm Scream and with good reason. The band that was formerly Smackin Isaiah recorded in 2003 with Bill Stevenson (Black Flag, Descendents) and Jason Livermore (Good Riddance, Rise Against producer) and the resulting record Mute Print finally comes out on April 20th. These songs have been online for a while but if you haven't checked them out, sample the goods below:
A Wilhelm Scream - The Rip
A Wilhelm Scream - Famous Friends & Fashion DrunksFor more information head over to Nitro Records

Aubin: Japan's premiere horrorpunk outfit, Balzac, went beneath my notice for some time, but as I was browsing through a nearby indie shop, I found a copy of their US-released disc Beyond the Darkness and took a chance. I'm glad I did. At the core, it's a modern version of the classic Misfits sound, complete with cartoonish horror imagery and a healthy amount of "whoahs" in accordance with what Danzig and Jerry laid out two decades ago. Check out this track for a nice example of their sound:
Balzac - The Black Light Shines in '99
For more information, drop by their official Japan, Europe or American websites.