Napster Bans

Napster Bans

Not quite punk news, but I figured that this probably involves a few of you, I've noticed lots of punk fans are Rage fans too. This is off RATM's official site: "Rage Against the Machine would like to sincerely apologize to all of our fans who were kicked off of Napster for downloading 'Renegades.' The move to take action against Rage fans was taken completely unilaterally by our new management. In their zeal to keep the record from getting out before the release date, they did not consult the band before instructing Sony Music Corp. to institute the Napster ban. As soon as I was made aware of this horrible mistake on their part, I immediately phoned our management and the record company to see what we could do to get our Napster-using fans reinstated as soon as possible. Per my instructions, no further notices will be sent out, and again, I apologize for this undermining of your right to hear our music." - Tom Morello
There is a link on the RATM site to download the De-ban windows registry fix (so you dont have to fill out Napster's "legal contract" to be reinstated). It's cool of Rage to try to fix this, however both them the Offspring seem to be undermining Metallica's plans (which is just fine with me).