Guttermouth off Warped Tour

Guttermouth off Warped Tour

Guttermouth will not playing the remainder of the Warped Tour. Mark Adkins posted the following on the band's website:

As most of you know we have never dropped off of a tour, period.(only if incarcerated) This year though, a chain of unforeseen events long enough to goat rope a million or so head of cattle have surfaced. Some of witch was politics. Not just in the George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or that other guy... um, Al Sharpton type, or even that other, other guy? Oh well, that's not what's important hear. Some pretty big promises were broken and reneged on and that has taught me an invaluable lesion about the trust and honesty of some big businesses. I'll tell you these promises or lies if you would, played an enormous roll in forcing us out. Please learn from my mistakes and get everything in writing. A handshake is worthless in 2004. Yea, we did not just up and quite! Another thing I was told was that 10 or so of the bands didn't care for us to much and some even threatened us with violence. "Ooooo" Now that is funny...

You can read the entire message below.

Some of already know that we are not on what we called the second leg of Guttermouth's Warp Tour. First and foremost we want to apologize to the people who support our style of show and music, especially in Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto and Florida.

At this point you are most likely conjuring up your own conclusions as to why we are not with you. And I'm sure some of you will be more than happy to post your very imaginative versions as to why this unfortunate situation has reared its ugly head in the first place. As most of you know we have never dropped off of a tour, period.(only if incarcerated) This year though, a chain of unforeseen events long enough to goat rope a million or so head of cattle have surfaced.

Some of witch was politics. Not just in the George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or that other guy… um, Al Sharpton type, or even that other, other guy? Oh well, that's not what's important hear. Some pretty big promises were broken and reneged on and that has taught me an invaluable lesion about the trust and honesty of some big businesses. I'll tell you these promises or lies if you would, played an enormous roll in forcing us out. Please learn from my mistakes and get everything in writing. A handshake is worthless in 2004. Yea, we did not just up and quite! Another thing I was told was that 10 or so of the bands didn't care for us to much and some even threatened us with violence. "Ooooo" Now that is funny. But even more amusing is that not one of these so called punk or whatever you call them these days, style of bands had the balls to confront myself or any other members of our group. They ran to daddy and told some of the brass that Guttermouth is making fun of us while they play. Well they were right, I was, but only the fashion bands and groups who focused more on their make up and choo choo train hats than the music they play. Yes I am guilty of tearing bands I don't care for a brand new squeaky clean asshole, but at least I'll tell them to their face. (Or at least while they are standing on the stage next to me ha, ha) Sure I know I'm insensitive and not very nice sometimes, but if I see something I don't like I will speak my mind. I always have and always will. I am also in something called a punk band. Punk and censorship do not exactly go hand in hand. So dry your eyes or your eye shadow will run. I have respect for people who speak up and out, unlike the 10 or so bands that don't like my potty mouth. I can only imagine some of the groups getting together over an alcohol free drink or maybe a vegan smoothie in an environmentally safe cup preparing their rally cry (complete with tears and thus, running make-up) to ultimately have me censored. At least some people on this tour like the Punk Voter gang and the bands, who back them speak for themselves. They set up a booths, speak openly on stage thus, rally people for their cause. Do you think that they insult Republicans and independents with the movement they are pushing? Most likely, and do you think they care? Why should they? Its called freedom of speech. Can you picture the Punk Voter gang going to the Warp brass and saying,"Hey, hey guys, you know this George W. Bush guy is a real bad egg and I was wondering if you guys could do something about it, because I don't want to make waves or upset anyone. And the catering line is especially long today and besides that my sponsors over at Max-Factor, Loreal and Lancome strongly recommend that I apply my foundation liberally on the face and neck and reapply if perspiration or overexposure to the sun occurs. So it would behoove my image and chances of getting a record deal if you could do it for me." Not a chance in hell!!!That's right the real people of this tour speak for themselves and have a complete set of balls (count em") if you would. I look forward to the rumors you will believe and tell. But more than that I am anticipating Guttermouth own club tour in the places I mentioned above. We also have a chance to hit Brazil this October and Australia soon thereafter.

Once again I apologize and appreciate your support of one of the last punk bands out there who will speak their own mind and not follow the heard into ass kissing obscurity. I will keep you all posted on the tour dates and have a nice day at your local Warp Tour. But before I go I wanted to thank Kevin, Doyle, Horne and Scout for backing me on events that should have never taken place. I also would like to thank Mr. Lyman, Mr. Lee, K. Soto, C. Sterner, Hector Martinez, Josh, Doug, Kerry, Jill Heath, Brian Kountz, Teal, Mike Dela Cruz, Mark G., Maurice, Ken and Mitch, Shellelyn, The Fuse guys and everyone else who was daring enough to have a cold one with me.