Old Wounds: Sleeper

Old Wounds

Sleeper (2010)


Old Wounds' Sleeper is an economical and competent offering of the metal-influenced hardcore that their state of New Jersey helped pioneer. With only three songs, and none of which that break the two-minute marker, they successfully hold your attention while occasionally captivating it.

"11710" seems to be the track with the most replay value. After a crushing first verse section, the band builds up into an erratic, bluesy, pentatonic groove. Its suddenness is all a bit unsettling–which is the appeal. Following suit, "Disgusted Native" plods in its own pessimism, but not without alluding to Fixation on a Co-Worker first.

"Prisoners of Worship" treads similar territory as the first two, taking its time to up the speed, the noise and the heaviness. It'd be interesting to see what they could do with more time to spare, but until then I can enjoy some good musicianship and some good breakdowns.