Look Mexico: Real Americans Spear It

Look Mexico

Real Americans Spear It (2011)

Kira Wisniewski

With an overall sunny disposition, Real Americans Spear It is another solid addition to the growing impressive discography of Austin, Texas's Look Mexico. Their overall indie pop aura is augmented with frontman Matt Agrella's vocal stylings. Agrella's voice has just gotten better over the years. Mix that with some hand claps, horns and a fair amount of "Heys!", and this five-song EP is some of this band's "fullest" sounding work to date. They continue to churn out great music even if the guitar work is a little less mathy then some of the stuff fans may recall from The Crucial Collection or This Is Animal Music.

The track "Where were you, Vince?" is reminiscent of a band I haven't thought of for years called Ghosts And Vodka (which features members from Cap'n Jazz and Joan Of Arc). It's the only instrumental track on the EP and it's equal parts whimsy, poppy and just plain fun.

One of the great things about Look Mexico is their subtle humor. Every track title on Real Americans Spear It is a Vin Diesel quote from the movie Fast Five. This is probably not the most surprising coming from a band whose early press photos featured the band lathered up in pizza.

To be honest, Real Americans Spear It is not their best work (Gasp Asp [7 inch] is still my personal number one), but it certainly does not disappoint. Look Mexico continues to evolve in a positive way. I really don't know why this band hasn't blown up yet. Hopefully another full-length is in the works.