River Jumpers: Words, Chords and Irony

River Jumpers

Words, Chords and Irony (2012)

Rich Cocksedge

Sometimes, along comes a band that manages to fill me with an enthusiasm for its music and where it's easy to understand why that has happened. Here is a perfect example of this in action; with the Brighton, U.K.-based River Jumpers basically gate crashing my head with some marvelous melodic punk rock that has everything going for it.

Across four tracks the River Jumpers offer up some impressive, catchy, melodic punk rock that is without a doubt home grown, whilst not denying the influences that American bands have had on the band's sound. As an added bonus this is produced by Pete Miles, who seems to be working with many of the better bands on this island these days, and who seems to have a Midas touch in the studio these days.

One of the (many) things that puts a smile on my face is the beginning to the title track which I am convinced will always go into "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves, but obviously it doesn't, it goes down a different, yet equally ebullient, route.

The musical influence from the U.S.A. is more to be found on the third track "Boiling Point," which has the same frenetic feel of much of the Movielife's second album This Time Next Year and races along, taking only 105 seconds to reach its conclusion and is by far and away the briefest track on the EP. It's good to hear that despite that overseas influence the accents are firmly English and do not pander to any wannabe culture.

This release has had me bouncing around at my desk in work as I listen to it and adding some much needed extra spring to my steps as I walk home (whilst in the comfort of my own house I can really let loose when listening to this EP). This album is one of the most irresistible releases I've heard in quite a while. If you have a hankering for fun melodic punk rock, then you in no way should be overlooking Words, Chords and Irony, especially as it's a totally free download (physical copies of the EP are available from the band at shows). I'd be interested to hear a full-length from these guys and the news is good: they will be recording an album later in the year.

There does seem to be a slew of good releases from U.K. bands at the moment with new material from the likes of Attack! Vipers!, Fighting Fiction, Dead Poets and now River Jumpers, to name but a few. I've not known the scene as vibrant as this for many a year. Long may it continue.