
Rust in Pieces (2006)

Chuck Cunningham

Hey! You guys remember when I reviewed that other Terrorgruppe album? No? Okay, well, uhhh…on that one, I mentioned that the amount of German lyrics (most of it) kind of made it hard for someone who only speaks English to fully enjoy it. I then went on to mention that there was legend of a fully English Terrorgruppe album entitled Rust in Pieces. Well, I got it. Apparently it's basically the English language version of another album called Fundamental and, based on some quick YouTubing, this seems to be case. That is kind of fucking weird, but it seems that the songs are the same tunes and about the same things and everything!

Anyway, things start out with the catchy and funny "The World's Not Bad at All," in which Terrorgruppe address the punks to inform them of exactly that fact–though in a very tongue-in-cheek way with lines like "There's life and love between nuclear waste / Hope and peace for the human race." A similar sentiment is echoed on "Happy Song," in which singer Archi Alert sings how he feels good, but also warns "Don't misunderstand me / It's still in my mind / I hate cops by my guts / This country will never be mine" and eventually mentions that "The Dead Kennedys without Jello is fucking bullshit;" in between are some "babadabaduba" and other nonsensical singing that, while catchy and fun, wouldn't be so out of place in a Crazy Frog commercial.

There are some excellent odes to Dee Dee Ramone and Marilyn Manson and one to the educational value of Rambo III. The incredibly catchy "Deedee" might be the only song that doesn't seem to be sung with a hint of sarcasm. The song mentions him as "giving birth to punk rock," heaps praise on his music and mourns his untimely death–all in a very bouncy song that sometimes opts for extra "dee"s in his name. Based on their sound, Terrorgruppe are clearly indebted to the Ramones and were surely overjoyed to get the opportunity to release this song previously on their 2002 split EP with Dee Dee Ramone. As a result, it makes sense that the song actually sounds like it came from the heart rather than the place where most snotty punk songs come from to piss people off.

While there are anti-religion sentiments in a number of songs, the ska "Cathedrals" really sends home the disdain with lyrics like "Turn cathedrals into dovecots for seagulls / Transform the Pope into a pusherman for dope / Turn all Islamists into neodadaists." Another anti-religious song is "Hedonistic Salvation Front," which is a rallying cry of sorts that urges the listener to "follow your lust / Exchange your fluids / Fucking for freedom and peace / Come on, let's do it." Sure, it's a bit immature, but the heart is in the right place and I first fell in love with this band when I heard them singing about barbequing policemen's penises on Short Music for Short People.

While the record is bouncy and fun and I really enjoy knowing what is being sung and getting to laugh at many of the lyrics, the album isn't without faults. The biggest probably being the song "Say It Don't Spray It," which is actually a pretty good effort for such a weak premise. However, at the end of the day, I really don't need a song about not spitting when I talk. The same can probably said for "Sex with My Record Collection."

Overall, the highs on Rust in Pieces are higher than 1 World – 0 Future, but being able to understand a song's lyrics also has its drawbacks. Their humorous commentary on where the blame gets placed after a school shooting in "Marylin" [sic] more than makes up for a song about how they'll "fuck [someone's] daughter anyway" after said person called them "gay," but the weaker songs definitely cut down on repeat listens. Despite the songs with weaker lyrical premises, all the songs are musically enjoyable aggro pop and I'm glad I bought the album.