Hellbound Hepcats

Hellbound Hepcats No. 2 (2012)


Historians and most fans of rock and roll triumphantly agree Elvis Presley was the king of the genre. He inspired a generation, panicked the parents of youngsters nationwide and forever changed the face of music. At the same time, a youngster by the name of Johnny Cash was creating his own legacy and blending a mix of country music and rockabilly, eventually earning himself the distinction of one of the most influential musicians of the 20th Century.

While many modern acts have been compared to Elvis and Johnny Cash and emulate their signature sound, very few have been able to recreate the underlying personality and charismatic swagger that goes with the music. The Hellbound Hepcats do just this on their latest release No. 2. From the strike of the first note on “Play with Fire” to the swing of “Rockabilly Queen” and heartbreak of “Cold Monday,” the album winds through 10 raucous '50s-inspired, country-tinged rockabilly anthems. It’s easy to become lost in the disc and forget it’s the year 2012, not 1952.

Many acts will emulate their forefathers, yet few do it right. The Hellbound Hepcats have struck gold and hit a home run, one dance floor-shaking, hip-gyrating song at a time.