Desaparecidos: Anonymous [7-inch]


Anonymous [7-inch] (2013)

Joe Pelone

With their second post-reunion 7-inch, Desaparecidos have me wondering, "Where's the full-length?" Still, any bit of Conor Oberst's politi-punk is welcome, even if the returns are a little more uneven this time around. Just like last year's MariKKKopa 7-inch, Anonymous offers up two tracks of righteous anger and snarling guitars. Only problem is, this time around the band lend support to murkier issues.

"Anonymous" is a catchy tune for sure; it's just contradictory that Desaparecidos are charging $10 plus shipping to hear a fight song about a group that actively supports filesharing (in addition to fighting pedophilia, homophobia, Scientology and a bunch of other totally not cool stuff that warrants opposition). Plus, the first verse, while evocative, feels like it's from a totally different song. Still, the needling guitars have a welcome urgency, once again asserting just how great a merely good Desaparecidos song can sound.

"The Left is Right" is a little more successful, to the extent that it's a little vaguer, and thus more applicable to peoples' lives. A protest song about the need to protest, it ostensibly feels like an Occupy tune despite it's depressing conclusion ("You know the '60s proved that change is hit or miss"). However, yet again, big ups to the guitars.

Anonymous lacks the immediacy of MariKKKopa (or, ya know…Read Music/Speak Spanish), making it a little disappointing compared to Oberst's discography, both with and without the band. Coupled with that somewhat steep price point, going physical might not be the best option for casual fans. Still, the tunes are loud ‘n' angry, so die hards should be satisfied.