Office of Future Plans / Daria: Split [7-inch]

Office of Future Plans / Daria

Split [7-inch] (2013)

Joe Pelone

Coinciding with their recent east coast tour, America's Office of Future Plans and France's Daria have also teamed up for a split 7-inch. Each band contributes an original song, plus some covers for digital bonus tracks. Like just about anything bearing J. Robbins' name, it's a solid effort. It's been about a year and a half since the first/last Office of Future Plans album. This split offers a brief respite.

Office goes first with "Solipsist," a dreamy, yet danceable track that would have fit in during their self-titled record's middle section. The guitars are still a little on the ethereal side, but the whole thing has an almost post-punk vibe going on. This could make for an interesting sonic shift to pursue, should Office of Future Plans produce a second LP. Yet again, Gordon Withers' cello adds some weight to the track, in this case brightening up the choruses. He's low in the mix, but he makes a difference.

Daria contributes a strident track on par with newer Rise Against, and while it's not quite as memorable as Office's side, it still boasts an excellent solo. Daria favor tight rockers, but their songs usually come more alive during the bridges. That's when they get to show off some shiny new guitar textures and let the tunes jam. That kind of breathing room is glimpsed at here, as well as on the final chorus, but overall "As the Dust Settles" is a little by-the-numbers to truly stand out.