The Explosion: Flash Flash Flash

The Explosion

Flash Flash Flash (2000)


For a while, there's been alot of good street-punk bands, as well as pop-punk, post-punk, emo and an assortment of other bands with colorful prefixes. But what's happened to all the straight up punk rock bands? It would seem the talent of all those bands that would have been has drained and pooled into Boston's The Explosion.

From the opening track "No Revolution" to it's final song "True or False", Flash Flash Flash is nothing short of a masterpiece. My personal favorite is "Tarantulas Attack" with lyrics that seem to have come right out of the recent David Arquette stinker "Eight Legged Freaks", and riffs that make ear drums bleed. With social conscience lyrics and killer riffs, The Explosion's Flash Flash Flash is nothing short of a must have for anyone who claims to like punk rock music.