The Timmys

Dude, Girl [EP] (2014)


The Timmys' latest EP, Dude, Girl, is a nine—minute exercise in pessimistic pop punk —— it comes off as uplifting despite some heavy subject matter crammed into its four segments. The quintet from Springfield, IL masterfully balance catchy rhythms and clean—cut harmonies with harsh lyrics that chronicle the uselessness of love, the ignorance of violence and the difference between dudes and girls.

Opening track "Ash & Bone" begins with a muddled, bluesy intro that quickly surges into a powerful riff as the Timmys blast off simultaneously —— with lead vocalist Robbie Kording stating "If you love someone, you've gotta let them go/and let them crawl back to you." Guitarists Ian Kelly and Tyler Orton and bassist Brandon Carnes expertly play through the rapidly changing tempos, supported by drummer Gary Swaggerty III, who never misses a beat during the fun, energizing song. The Timmys play melodic punk rock like that of Lagwagon or even Pennywise —— but generate their own gritty style through their loud, abrasive approach to churning out songs of frustration with an endless energy.

"Death Grip" is another song detailing the delusions we all live by —— particularly the false complacency that comes when violent crimes are covered incessantly by the media, encouraging the public to be desensitized rather than outraged. "How many homicides will it take to get to you?" Kording repeatedly asks, as the band supplies explosive drumbeats and guitars sounding like their opening fire themselves.

"Bissell Bicycle," a 46—second long hardcore screamer, breaks up the EP with its quick vignette of a drugged—up, out—of—control outsider whose only contribution to society is the spread of STDs. Its another side to the band, but they pull if off —— and not too seriously of course —— the quick quip "No thank you" at the very end of the song leaves you chuckling.

The EP ends with its title track, "Dude, Girl," which shows the struggle of a guy who just wishes his girlfriend could be more like his guy friends (or like a dude—girl). With Kording singing like he's almost trying to emulate Spike Slawson of the Gimmes and the remaining Timmys providing snappy back—up vocals, the song is a weird yet humorous take on being confused in love. However it serves as a great finale to this whirlwind of an EP, complete with a sweet guitar solo, vigorous bass and spot—on drumming.

Dude, Girl packs a lot of punch into its brief running time. The EP accurately showcases the band's ability to combine fatalistic world views with hopeless love songs. As my first exposure to the Timmys, it is obvious that the band knows what they're doing and how to have fun doing it —— warranting a more in—depth exploration of their other releases.