Shattered Realm

Broken Ties... Spoken Lies (2002)


Since about Wednesday I have been on the road constantly, driving home, and back, going to Chicago, and just a lot of shit I've had to drive to. To me driving gets really boring after an hour or so, especially driving at night when it's too dark to see anything, not that there is much to see in Illinois, so I had to rely on my music to keep me from sleeping. One of the discs that not only kept me awake, but kicked me in the teeth each time I listened to it was Shattered Realm's new disc "Broken Ties… Spoken Lies". This hardcore/metalcore band was just so brutal and intense that it helped propel my car down those lonely stretches of highway.

When I listened to this disc it reminded me of the straight forward metal riffs of Slayer and Pantera mixed with the hardcore breakdowns and screams of Hatebreed and All Out War. My only problem with this disc and the metal scene in general is that the lyrics are more of the same doom and gloom hate for everyone and the world. I would really like to see some metal bands try to expand beyond this; it would make the whole genre more interesting. But if you're into metalcore and you want some heavy shit, check this band out.
