The Donnas
Spend The Night (2002)
Diary of a first time Donnas listener, driving home on the Beltway during rush hour:
6:30pm: Hmm, the new Donnas record… good chance to spew out a bunch of self-righeous nonsense about the sad nature of the record industry and the average music listener's complacency with what Spin tells them is "cool."
6:31: So far so AC/DC…. just like….. with girls.
6:32: Woah, is that cowbell I hear?
6:32:30: Hey! That van's license plate says "go playa." That's hot.
6:33: More cowbell! Explore the cowbell!
6:34: So "Take It Off" is the radio single… ok, kind of catchy…
6:36: Look, silver Jetta, do you want to move over or not?! I'm giving you space here… alright fine….
6:36:30: Oh now you want to move over! Nuh uh!
6:39: Wow, track 5? Still sounds like the first song…
6:41: I think they've used the same rehashed Motorhead guitar riff over 3 dozen times already.
6:45: Woah, no thanks on the all-girl gang vocals.
6:48: WHY IS TRAFFIC STOPPING??? There are 6 lanes here!!!
6:50: This seems like the female companion to Andrew WK.
6:51: Apparently the expensive producer didn't know any new drum rhythms either.
6:53: The aforementioned expensive producer did however make the guitars sound nice and crunchy.
6:55: God damn you orange Aztek! I need to move over, see the signal?? Don't take out your frustration with your substandard vehicle choice on me!
6:56: This song isn't so……. Well son of a bitch, now I've missed my exit! That Linkin Park record over there is looking really good…
6:58: What was I saying earlier? Oh yeah…. I've almost made it to the end without hurling this CD at the green Taurus that's tailing me… That must count for something.
6:59: Ahhh, my exit…. hello exit.
7:00: Uhhh "Take Me To The Back Seat"? Hey Donna, I'll sell you a little of my self-restraint if you want.
7:02: I could really go for a Twix bar right now….
7:03: Woah, surf rock? This one's getting skipped….
7:03:04: Last song! I made it!
7:05: You know I think i just witnessed an entire album of filler.
7:06: Alright I'm home, though I think it's time to head out to the used CD store to ditch this thing. The catchniess doesn't quite make up for the lack of substance.