Pinhead Gunpowder: Shoot The Moon

Pinhead Gunpowder

Shoot The Moon (1999)

Scott Heisel

More commonly known as "that guy from Green Day's *other* band," Pinhead Gunpowder has definitely gotten more potent with age. Now, Billie Joe shares vocal duties with guitarist Jason over the 7 song, 10 minute power-chord extravaganza. From the opening lines of "Cabot Gal" to the sardonic ending lyrics of "Kathleen" ("And we could have some kids/if we're lucky they'll be gay," "If I'd only been a girl instead of a guy"), this CD kicks you into high gear and gets you so worn down when the last song ends that you feel like you've been listening to it for hours straight. If you're a fan of their earlier stuff (especially the AWESOME "Carry The Banner" EP on Lookout!) or if you just wanna hear Billie Joe outside of Green Day, give Pinhead Gunpowder a listen, you won't be disappointed.

[taken from A different kind of greatness webzine]