
Making The Road (1999)

Scott Heisel

The promo sheet for this calls these guys "The Japanese Beatles." Boy, are they wrong. Hi-Standard, for those who don't know, are a Japanese punk trio, who, more or less, sound like the majority of the Fat catalog: Medium-fast tempo, boring lyrics, semi-melodic, and extremely bland and generic. For some reason, these guys are huge in Japan, and over 400,000 copies of this CD have sold there. What a waste of plastic. I guess if you're addicted to Fat nad you feel like you have to own everything they put out, regardless of quality, this record is for you. For the rest of the public who DON'T always buy an album based on the label it's on, skip this and save your money for the new Consumed album.

[taken from A different kind of greatness webzine]