Frameworks: Smother


Smother (2016)


Frameworks are back with another crushing, merciless record. Fans of Defeater, Departures, Touché Amoré and thereabouts would recall how Loom kicked down post-hardcore/screamo doors in 2014. The aggression and abrasive intensity unfolds yet again on their sophomore LP, Smother. Melodic and relentless. Not to mention, one of the dizziest spins you'll have this year.

From the harmonious spaced-out post-rock vibe of "Purge" to the eclectic guitars on "Perculiar People", it's amazing to see how they've stepped up their musicianship from their last full-length. They were pretty fucking good then so that's saying a lot. These tracks show how their compositions can pack heavy punches despite being textured and layered oh so differently. The same for "Smother" -- jagged but just as loud and in-your-face -- as well as the catchy rhythm of "Tangled." This time around, they're pushing their limits and really moving into Deathwish's main territory of the unconfined. Rawer like The Saddest Landscape and State Faults with a bit more hardcore around the edges. Luke Pate's vocals are well-carried by the pounding drums and exploding guitars, which I expected after teasing us with the Time Spent EP.  

It's always nice to get heavy music from Gainesville -- not just the indie, emo and twinkly bands -- so to see Frameworks consistently putting out great music is so satisfying. This is you screaming at the wind. This is your moment of catharsis for the week. This is you remembering that Jack Shirley placed his Deafheaven imprint on their last album. This is you wondering how the hell Matt McClellan followed up producing and giving such a distinct, violent atmosphere best described as chaotic beauty. This is you playing "The New Narcissistic American Dream" and then smacking your superior over the face with that fucking keyboard. Take control of your life. Smother it.