Sono Pronta A Morire (2015)


You have to love the sudden infusion of

American D-beat in the last decade. For a genre that Americans tried

for 20 years to ape,and never got quite right, there sure is a bunch

of it now.
Most importantly, it's really solid D-beat. Torso

hail from the Bay Area and feature members of PUNCH. They've been

around for a little while now, and this marks their third

release,following, early 2014's “Community Psychosis” and an

earlier demo.
Musically this is as hard as it possibly needs

to be, while not being so fast as to be lacking in hooks and

catchiness. Good D-beat ought to be a bit catchy with good solid

guitar drive that catches the interest, and a solid bass to

compliment,TORSO is right where it needs to be here. Fast as hell,

but not so fast as to be tuneless slop.
The vocals are high

pitched but sharp and cutting to the bone, which in and of itself is

a refreshing change. Nobody is really being directly aped here or

copied, someone is just shredding out their vocal chords for your

amusements. Lyrical topics include feminism,straight edge(D Beat

Straight Edge?) and veganism.
This is just a crunchy brutal

way to spend 20 minutes of your life. Brutal and over the top. Lots

of hooks, lots of slamming,moshing goodness from one end to the

other. It literally took me the same amount of time to listen to

this bruiser of a record,as it took me to listen to it. And that

ain't half bad.
-The Right Wrong Rev Paul