Benjamin Booker: Benjamin Booker

Benjamin Booker

Benjamin Booker (2014)


There was a time from around 2012 through 2014 where I didn’t

want to listen to music that much outside the normal routine of jamming Aphex

Twin’s Selected Ambient Work2 85-92

and Loveless by My Bloody Valentine.

I guess it stemmed from a bad concert experience at Coachella 2012, which

roughed me up something awful, and I walked away for a long time from music and

many hobbies in general.

I still occasionally read up on music just because I like reading

and it was interesting to see who these huge festival organizations paid enough

to come out of retirement and do a few gigs here and there. It was around 2014

when I started reading about this young new guy named Benjamin Booker. He was

getting all the praise for his live shows and all those legendary acts seemed

to just be “there” you know?

What happened next was the power of music to make one feel

better again.

The self-titled debut from this three-piece Blues/Garage

Rock band from New Orleans spoke to me and the song “Violent Shiver” took me by

the shoulders and reminded me that traditional Rock and Roll is not dead. You

see, after that Coachella “incident” all music somehow became total garbage in

my head. Even the stuff I praised before became awful. Everything! It all felt

like torture. Besides the two albums I mentioned above, I did not listen too

much else besides Native American powwow drums and Gospel hymns.

So yeah, I searched up this Booker guy and found the song “Violent

Shiver” and It opened up the doors. For the first time in over two years, I liked

music. I even decided to go out on a Saturday to Norman Music Fest here in

Oklahoma with my wife and see some live acts. I recall us walking into

Guestroom Records and me searching the cases looking for Booker’s album. My

wife took a picture as proof.

I eventually found the dang cd, jammed it all the way home,

and it was glorious! Every track on this album is terrific and it is a no

frills, simple Rock and Roll record. I was looking for something pure and this

felt as if I opened a tomb of some forgotten sound buried deep and waiting to

be unleashed.

Have you heard this guy? Well you should! Check out the

track “Always Waiting” for some fuzzy Garage sounding Gospel Rock and also “Chippewa”

which contains some organ and is reminiscent of old Santana. Other album

highlights are tracks like “Slow Coming” in which Booker sings in a sorrowful Bluesy

way only to explode at the end by distorted emotion (Booker’s voice reminds me of

Conor Oberst back in is Commander Venus days right when his voice started

cracking), or the excellent Punk-Light “Wicked Waters” with has one of the best

music videos to accompany a song I’ve seen in a long time. Also the track “Have

You Seen My Son?” has lyrics that seem weathered, or perhaps “old” and full of

wisdom and maturity with heartfelt emotion coming from the story being sung. That

is pure Blues right there man…

I could go on and on here and review each track, but I will

stop. If you dig older Rock like maybe T-Rex or Blues such as Blind Willie

Johnson you should dig this. In addition, I recommend listening to the album Songs from Big Pink by The Band. The

soft piano and Americana music from The Band is some Booker seemed to be

inspired by and whether that was intentional or not it is interesting to hear

from such a young man currently.

I’m telling you now, this is great music and even though it

isn’t being noticed as much as it deserves, it’s still here and waiting to be treasured,

and hopefully helping others to escape the downtrodden landscape of mediocrity.

Dig it…