Against Me!/Grabass Charlestons/Army Of Ponch: live in Buffalo, NY

Against Me!/Grabass Charlestons/Army Of Ponch

live in Buffalo, NY (2002)


Last night my friend Matt and I attended a show that weve both been anticipating for many months, Against Me!.It got moved from the Kensignton Community Center to the glorious basement confines of 99 Custer St. There was soo much punk rock there, we both felt very accepted (*sarcasm). The first 2 bands were very forgettable locals , then the No Idea Records bands came out and rocked oh so hard.

Army of Ponch only played 5 songs, this band was so good, they stole the show in my opinion. A band along the lines Hot Water Music, Gainsville style screamo.

Then Grabass Charlestons played. Again a very good band, more poppy than Army of Ponch but still very good. They rocked extremely hard, especially the drummer. They ripped through 6 songs, stirring the crowd into a frenzy.

Then the moment I had been waiting for months. Against Me! set up and played one of the most emotional intense sets this side of Shai Hulud. There was no room to move, but still I rocked me heart out. My friend didn't have any room to dance so that bummed me out a little. He is a dancing machine. They played "Pints of Guiness make you strong", "Walking is still honest", three more then finished off with "I still love you julie". I advise anyone that likes emotional heart felt music to check these bands out. No Idea Records is a goldmine of amazing music.

Four hours, five bucks later and the most underage drinking ive seen in my life I sat in my friends car and realized that Id prolly never spend another five dollars that bought me so much rock.