Mobina Galore: Feeling Disconnected

Mobina Galore

Feeling Disconnected (2017)

Ricky Frankel

When I hear that a band is a two-piece, I tend to hesitate with them because there really is only so much you can do with a guitar and a drum set after awhile. But that notion was completely obliterated when listening to Mobina Galore’s full-length Feeling Disconnected for the first time. The Canadian duo have released an incredibly dynamic melodic punk record that absolutely should not go unnoticed.

Songs such as “Nervous Wreck,” 'Vancouver” and most notably “Suffer” really show off what Mobina Galore cane bring to the table. In “Suffer,” one of their more aggressive songs, you can hear how vocalist and guitarist Jenna Priestner's very wide vocal range. What makes her vocals so unique is how gruff they are. During the versus her voice is fairly calm, but you can sort of feel the anticipation for the explosive choruses where her singing turns in this very powerful and throaty yelling. “Suffer” really comes together well at this point in the song between Jenna’s buzzing guitar and drummer and back-up vocalist Marcia Hanson’s melodic “whoa’s” and really catchy beat she plays behind Jenna’s yelling. It all blends together extremely well.

Mobina Galore slow things down quite a bit in the song “Losing Time.” The anger is still there, but it starts out with Jenna singing softly over some lightly palm-muted power chords. Though the overall rhythm of the song stays relatively the same, it does slowly grows louder and louder. “Losing Time” is also a testament to Jenna’s great vocal abilities. It also shows how remarkable Mobina Galore’s lyrics are. Feeling Disconnected as a whole touches upon lyrical themes like having strength to endure and overcoming personal adversity with very well written lines such as, “I’m not giving up/ I’ve got a feeling/If I could just wake up/We could take off/We can’t wait for tomorrow.”

Mobina Galore’s Feeling Disconnected is one hell of a full-length that really should not be ignored. They are clearly one of the break out bands of 2017. They clearly have a bright future a head of them. Do not sleep on this one and do not let the notion that they are a two-piece discourage you. I almost made that mistake and would have very much regretted it.