Harvest (2017)
The belgians FOD are one of the freshest European bands in terms of punk rock, although they could also fit in others genres such as pop punk.They made a first appearance with Tricks on the Trade and made a long three years journey to their album Harvest. An organic and vivid work where we can recognize the personal sound they have been looking for.FOD gets to remind us of the 80's Bad Religion or the early 90's Green Day in this album that can be heard in a loop due to its light and catchy melodies that make the whole set of songs go by in perfect consistency.Some remarkable songs that point out more of a melodic hardcore vibe are 'Act Of Consecration' and 'Crew You', which could work as the leit-motiv of the CD.As the album goes on, we can realize that the band uses the essential ingredients of punk, which makes it easy to listen in a genre full of needless technicalities.