Dame Peligro [EP] (2022)

Ricky Frankel

One of the more underrated bands in the scene is DFMK. They have toured with bands like Direct Hit! and Dead To Me and put out several very solid EP’s over the years. Their 2020 self-titled debut full-length was a very overlooked album that absolutely rocked. That’s why it was such a pleasant surprise when it was announced that the band signed to Alternative Tentacles and planned to release an EP last year. Well that EP ended up being titled Dame Peligro and it too absolutely rocks.

Dame Peligro contains three very rowdy tracks from DFMK. “Queroseno” starts the EP out with quite the blast off. Mr. Cap’s uber-agressive yelling is backed-up by big “woah’s” from the rest of the band. The choppy, descending chord progressions really breaks up the song to where you don’t fully know where it’ll end up upon first listen. It really keeps you on your toes. “Me Consume El Vino” features more melodic singing from Mr. Cap. The guitar is relegated to a straight-forward chord progression with some fast, jangly fills that pop up in between the singing. Those fills appear later, but are extended into a longer guitar solo that is chock-full of screaming bends. The title track is sort of the grand finale of the EP. It has a very cacophonous start. Overall, it’s also a very choppy song where the singing sort of follows the quickly-changing chords. The choruses are shouted, but they also have some really good back-up vocals that add an extra tinge of rowdiness to the track. There is also this semi-breakdown that cuts the tempo in just about half that leads into a screeching guitar solo.

If you are just finding out about DFMK, believe it or not the Dame Peligro EP is not a bad place to start. The three tracks really encapsulate what their overall sound is like. Now if you are familiar with DFMK’s material, then you will be thoroughly pleased with this release if you haven’t gotten around to it yet. Their ability to walk that fine line between melodic punk and hardcore continues make for some great releases and this EP is no exception.

You can listen to this EP here