The Forgotten
Out Of Print (2003)
Remember when punk wasn't always about being innovative and trying to branch out and create a new sound. When it was more about getting together with your friends and playing fast, energetic rock that you could kick up a pit to, but had some social and political conscious to give you something to think about. Well the Forgotten sure do and they prove it this new/old album.
Out of Printis just what it sounds like - a compilation of material that was on rare and out of print compilations and vinyl only releases, but this stuff sounds so good and together that at first I thought it was a new album. I mean that all the tracks sound like they were written and recorded in the same amount of time and the album doesn't have those little differences in sound that often accompany comps like this. Instead what you have here is 18 tracks of in your face street punk that is as intelligent as it is angry. No where on here are mindless thug tracks about beating down people or just being an asshole, instead they are quick angry anthems that attack the usual punk targets like religion, the military, capitalism, and unity in the scene with out being over the top preachy or dumb down. They get in make their point and leave usually within the two minute mark.
While never straying far from the formula set down by the Business, Exploited, and GBH, this band is able to make their songs sound fresh and the song writing is just great. The songs on here are just too damn catchy for their own good and are sure to get any punk's boots a tappin' and the pits a movin'.