NOFX: Maximum Rocknroll


Maximum Rocknroll (1992)

Many people like newer NOFX stuff. Some people prefer older NOFX stuff. A very small number of modern NOFX fans like their old stuff. Some people don't like older NOFX at all.

If you fit into the second category, as I do, you already have this. This "album" is basically a compilation of their self titled EP, the "So What if We're on Mystic!" EP, and some studio demos thrown into the mix.

The music is raw, fast, unrelenting mid-80s type punk rock that you either like or hate… If you've only heard "Punk in Drublic" era NOFX, and disregard it as too poppy, then you might want to try this out. The sound is more akin to the Circle Jerks than New Found Glory. No ska or pop-punk is to be found here, but the musicianship is not really all that bad… Not nearly as bad as NOFX would have you believe in their own history of the band. Fat Mike's vocals are at their least annoying, which is a definite plus in my book. Also, only two of the current line up of the band recorded this, those two being Fat Mike and Eric Melvin. You probably already know that, though.

Standouts are their cover of "Iron Man", "Bang Gang", and "Shitting Bricks".