
So Far From Real (2003)

Scott Heisel

HAIR METAL TO EMO POP - a senior thesis

Guns N Roses:Jimmy Eat World::Motley Crue:Taking Back Sunday
[GNR and JEW are both considered the forefathers of their respective genres and are generally unfuckwithable. As for the Crue and TBS - you either love them or hate them, but you have to respect their musical ability and their talent to fuse two genres together {pop-metal/punk-emo}.]

Motley Crue:Taking Back Sunday::Poison:Matchbook Romance
[While the Crue are just plain badasses, Poison was more of a Crue-lite than anything and wasn't taken too seriously, even though their hearts were 100% into it. MBR is basically Taking Back Sunday For Dummies and gets less respect because of it, but they also are dedicated to the music they make, no matter how devolved it's become.]

Poison:Matchbook Romance::Cinderella:Cauterize
[Whereas Poison and MBR at least put forth some sort of emotion in their music, these other two bands are here strictly for the chicks. Fashion over function is the rule for these two bands. Emotionless dribble that further embarasses their already easily-targeted and much-maligned genre.]

Basically, this CD is crap. If these guys come to your town, make sure your little sister doesn't go to see them.