Bullet Train To Vegas

Profile This (2003)

Scott Heisel

As famous rapper Nelly likes to say occasionally, "Hot shit!" Bullet Train To Vegas is a breath of fresh air in both the current music scene as well as my personal CD collection. BTTV comes barreling out of the gate on this 6 song EP with post-punk aggression matching the likes of At The Drive-In or perhaps the Blood Brothers, combined with the Honor System's unique take on melody.

But this band is definitely better than some half-assed comparison. There's a lot going on here, and I don't even know where to begin. Each song on this disc is honed to be an aural assault on your ears, but at the same time each is sprinkled with enough melodicism to have your head bobbing and your finger pointing. What's that, want a song you can play air [insert instrument of choice here]? Just check out opening track "Bedding With Swine" for all your headbanging needs - it's easily MP3 of the Week worthy.

The EP's title track is a more straightforward rock song that reminds me of someone, but I just can't put my finger on it. "Nice Going Laslo" has a cool lead guitar part laced through it that brings the ATDI comparisons right back into the mix, but there's also a bit of a heavier Sparta/lighter Glassjaw sound showing up.

In short, this is a highly impressive debut from a band that wasn't even on my radar before now, and probably wasn't on yours either. There's a lot of talent here, and this band could easily be the "next big thing" if the right people heard them.

Bedding With Swine
This Heart Could Crush You
Profile This
Nice Going Laslo