Gyroscope: Midnight Express


Midnight Express (2003)


I don't think there is anything more exciting in music then watching a young band grow. Australia's Gyroscope is one of those bands that I have seen develop from a small, basement band, into a popular indie rock band which has had several top 10 singles on Australia's most popular alternative radio station Triple J.

"Midnight Express" is Gyroscope's second EP (or 3rd if you count a privately distributed EP) and the follow-up to 2002's "Take Time". It is without doubt their best effort to date. In such a short time Gyroscope have forged a loyal following, especially in hometown Perth, and developed their own unique sound.

Gyroscope's sound is quite difficult to describe. Despite hailing from the punk scene, the band has evolved into more of a rock band. The guitar sound is always very full and quite chunky, with hard hitting drums and lyrics that are reminiscent of many alt rock bands. Probably the best comparison I can make to Gyro's sound is Boy Sets Fire (think "My Life in the Knife Trade") or Sparta. But even this is a stretch.

"Midnight Express" begins with the hard rock opener "The Lesser Me". A cool vocal effect and the constant repetitive lyrics, sung with such passion, make this a real highlight. The next two tracks "Fire Away" and "Midnight Express" are just fantastic rock tunes, the type that you would get in your car and drive to on a Sunday afternoon. The fourth track "Sharp Words" then slows the pace down a bit. It begins with just Daniel Sanders heartfelt vocals, over an acoustic guitar, before building up into a rocking chorus where the singer repeatedly cries out "I can't breathe". The final two tunes, whilst not as strong as the first 4, close out a fine EP.

I thoroughly recommend checking this band out via their site, where they have made several MP3s available. Also, be on the lookout for their debut album which is due to come out early next year.