Dead Poetic
New Medicines (2004)
Scott Heisel
"There's a glossary of dirty words for people just like you.
And only for people like you, I reserve the words:
Backstabbers and money whores, and dirty rotten millionaires
that always wanted more."
This is the chorus of "Taste The Red Hands," the first track off Dead Poetic's New Medicines. While I give the band points for using the word "whore" in a song and not having it be a cheesy pop-punk track about an ex-girlfriend, I must also point out this chorus' main flaw - it tells you exactly what the band sounds like for the rest of the album:
You've already formed a pretty good idea of just what Dead Poetic brings to the table. But I'm not willing to write them off so easily. This record, while long and a bit bland at points, shows a lot of potential and definitely delivers on intensity and energy, something a good majority of their peers in this "emotional post-hardcore" field sorely lack. If the group can just consistantly hone that energy and turn it into stronger songs like "Taste The Red Hands" and "New Medicines," they'll have a strong future atop marquees nationwide.