Bright Eyes / Neva Dinova: One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels

Bright Eyes / Neva Dinova

One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels (2004)


This cd is less of a split, and more of a collaboration, due to the fact that Conor Oberst sings on all the Neva Dinova tracks, and they act as his backing band on the Bright Eyes tracks. Listening to this disc you wouldn't really be able to tell that it features two different bands, it sounds like it could be one band with two lead singers.

Bright Eyes fans have seen the band maturing with their sound greatly from disc to disc, as 2002's Lifted… was less personal and bigger in production than their previous efforts. The tracks on here seem to be continuing in the same direction. The standout Bright Eyes track on here is "I'll be your friend" a jazzy tale about a drunk friend. With lyrics such as "You talk when you're drunk like you're standing in front of a microphone, and each night it repeats and you fall into me like a domino" he really describes what it's like to handle a friend who's wasted at a party. Not to mention the trumpet(played by Orenda Fink of Azure Ray) and the sax(played by John Hischke) solos are amazing. Bright Eyes continue to put out quality material and their section of this disc will just make you anticipate the full length, slated for release late this year, even more.

The Neva Dinova tracks on this split are excellent. "Tripped" is a great opening song, starting off with a skipping record and then leading into Jake Bellows smooth vocals. The song continues with it's laid back musical tone and just puts you in a good mood, regardless of how bad of a situation Jake sings about in it. Jake also sings most of a Conor Oberst written song, Spring Cleaning, which then transitions into both of then singing to give the song a slow warm feeling.

Some people love Bright Eyes, some loathe them. Regardless of which category you fall into I think the collaboration with Neva Dinova, really make this cd appeal to both groups. I'd recommend this disc to fans of Bright Eyes who will enjoy the band's new material, and also to anyone who enjoys slow indie rock with a warm home recorded feeling.

Neva Dinova – Tripped
Bright Eyes – I'll Be Your Friend