Mest: Wasting Time


Wasting Time (2000)


Hey y'all this is my first review ever, so it will probably suck which is the total opposite of this album. The first time I heard of this band was at the Goldfinger website. And it said that John Feldmann (Goldfinger's frontman) recently produced a record for Mest. I was thinking "Who the hell is Mest?" So I downloaded a song by them. After I heard "Drawing Board" (The song I downloaded) I loved it, so I went out to the record store and bought this cd. Well, as I listen to it right now, about a half a year after I first bought it, it is still as great as when I first heard it.

"Wasting Time" by Mest is a great cd if you are a fan of Showoff or Goldfinger. It sounds an awful lot like Showoff, but I personally find better. I find this album would fit into the punk/ska genre. Although there are no horns on this album, there are alot of ska upstrokes on certain tracks.To give you a good idea of the songs on this cd and what they are all about, I will review every song:

1)Long Days Long Nights- An ok song, the first few times you hea it, it is great, but I find it becomes more boring to listen to the more you listen to it.

2)Hotel Room- One of my favorite songs on this album,very catchy.
3)What's The Dillio?- The first single from this record. Mostly ska. Not bad, but I find it is one of the weaker songs on this record.
4)Slow Motion- Now this song grows on you very quickly, it starts off pretty slow, but by the end of the track, you wanna hear it again, especially the voice distortion effect at the end "Slow motion, will somebody please press play," pretty good song.
5)Drawing Board- This song is amazing. I thik this is the first song I ever heard by Mest. What can I say, it is great!
6)Change- Another good song. Also, this one starts pretty slow with the acoustic guitar and ska upstrokes but it builds up perfectly. The rising action is great.
7)Forget You- Not bad, but compared to alot of the other songs it is pretty weak, but it still a good song, that shows how great the cd is. It is a little heavier then alot of the other songs.
8)Electric Baby- Now this is quite the song. It is not fast, but it is still a good song, I love the lyrics.
9)Girl For Tonight- This another song that grows on you. Pretty good, once you hear it a few times, you will like it a lot more.
10)Lonely Days- This song here sounds alot like the other songs on this cd. Although it is a great album, alot of the material sounds similar, still ok.
11)Richard Marxism- Here is a great song, another one of my favorites on the cd, good shit here.
12)Random Arrival- This is probably the weakest song on the album, although I can listen to it and enjoy it, it still is not the great callibre of other songs on this record.
13)The Last Time- Another song that grows on you, and this one it probably does the most. The first time I heard this song, I thought it sucked, but now I can actually listen to it and say "Hey, this is pretty coo."
14)Wasting My Time- Here it is. My fav song on the album. Amazing It is the most perfect way to end this great album, great lyrics, the chorus is great with th 2 vocals going, great!

Ok, yeah so this review is done pretty much. I know it probably sucked but whatever this is my first and the main thing is that the album does not suck. I suggest you go buy this record like… now! Mest also have a new album coming out in January 2002 titled "Destination Unknown." You can go get the MP3 of the first single of that cd at Mest's official website! Thanks.