Hidden In Plain View: Life In Dreaming

Hidden In Plain View

Life In Dreaming (2005)


Drive-Thru Records consistently puts out catchy emo-rock records, with Hidden In Plain View's Life In Dreaming no exception. Everything you could possibly want in a modern day emo release is present: the crunchy, melodic guitar lines, the raspy vocals, and the upbeat rhythm section. Hidden In Plain View does, however, play this formulaic style quite well.

"Bleed For You," "Ashes To Ashes," and "American Classic" are the most energetic tunes. With the lyrical content being the same old same old, HIPV manage to rock out while still maintaining a solemn disposition. Other tracks such as "The Point" and "Twenty Below" slow the pace down a bit, but it definitely serves as a pleasant contrast from the other tracks.

There's not much more that can be said. There's nothing new or special, but nothing terrible here either. One thing is for certain though: HIPV craft some pretty catchy tunes on their latest release. I'm sure they'll gain a larger following from this disc. I guess if the formula works, stick with it.