The Get Up Kids: Four Minute Mile

The Get Up Kids

Four Minute Mile (1997)

Embassadress Kwan

Wow! I am SO impressed with this album. After recieving a Borders Gift Certificate, I went to the store, looking for a good CD, I wanted a Boy Kicks Girl CD, but I couldn't find ANYTHING I wanted. Then I stumbled upon this album by The Get Up Kids, I had remembered a few songs I had previously heard by them and liked, so I bought it. I didn't really expect much at all…I just figured i'd get another regular old punk album that works as good background/mosh-with-yourself music…but I was sure as hell wrong.

The energetic tracks of this album get me pumped, but the softness of some tracks are purely nice on the ears. The lead guitar kicks ass almost as much as the singers cute sounding voice. The lyrics are awesome, and each track is just…too damn kool. My favorites are "Don't Hate Me," and "Stay Gold, Ponyboy," they just…blarg, they're so amazing.

If you wanna get a cd, or even if you don't want a cd…just fucking buy this!!! It is one of my new favorites!!!

CD's great qualities:

  • Catchy, but not toooo catchy.
  • Kool punk riffs
  • Kool lead guitar
  • Kool lead singer
  • Every track kicks major ass
  • …and there are a lot more, so just…buy it..