Damage Deposit

Do Damage (2003)


I'm not going to approach this record without bias. I am totally enamored with Felix Von Havoc. He is a perfect example of someone completely dedicated to hardcore. He runs Havoc Records, which has a consistently good output of records through the years and also has kept ridiculously low prices in the age of "punk" CDs going for close to twenty dollars at chain stores. Damage Deposit is the newest of the bands that Felix has sung for (he also sang in the crusty, hardcore Destroy! and after that Code 13). That being said, he's not the only important member. The band is also comprised of Nic Attack (bass), Ben (guitar), Colin (guitar), and Mario (drums), equally talented in their fields, and all from bands like Code 13, Any Last Words, Sweet Jap, Encroach, and Miles Ahead.

This EP is made up of 8 fast, pissed-off hardcore blasts, with lyrical attacks dealing with the destruction of hardcore over the years ("That's Not Core, Dude"), the politics of dancing ("Ninjas to the Back"), and comic book heroes as street vigilantes ("Daredevil vs. the Punisher"). No one is left alone, as the band goes against the police, consumerism, television, the police, society, jocks, hardcore jocks, and the police. The music is a mess of distorted guitars, backed with Nic's superb bass playing (it just flies), and Mario's hyper-intensive drum playing. Felix's vocals are gritty and spit out at a rapid-fire pace. The breakdowns are especially nice, with the bass and drums pretty much tearing up everything in their path. Thrashy hardcore, if you want to get specific. The Havoc site says DD is in the vein of Tear it Up, Infest, and Shark Attack, and I'm not going to argue, because all those bands rule.

In addition to the music, the band has provided great-looking packaging, which is always a plus. Full-color art on the front and back of the sleeve, with bloody mallets attacking Washington D.C. set the atmosphere wonderfully, while the inside of the sleeve is not skimpy, either. Every song has lyrics (which you will need) and an explanation, which is certainly a nice touch. Overall, if you are a true fan of hardcore, not jock-minded "vegan power metal hardcore violence," or whatever Victory Records is selling today, you can't really go wrong with this. Not essential, but a damn fine addition to your vinyl shelf.