June Spirit: Treat Me Like Someone Else

June Spirit

Treat Me Like Someone Else (2001)

Hein Terweduwe

Here's something quite promising to check out for all you people out there who think there's need for some more hard-edged emo-(punk)rock. No wonder these 5 still very young guys originate from New Jersey. It seems like this part of the world is the breeding place for this kind of rock. the ingredients include technical guitars that gradually build up to (several) climaxes in the songs and vocals that are really of an exceptional beauty. This guy's voice is really so amazing…he manages to capture all these different emotions in high and low, sometimes very long sustained, tones. If you like those other NJ bands like Saves the Day and Midtown, I'm sure you'll be as amazed as I was when listening to this debut of a band with a certain future. I just wonder why these bands can't project their music into emotions other then to relationship issues. Not that it matters a lot, but being together with my girlfriend for over 16 years now, I could care less. Anyway, this little masterpiece will surely entertain many of you, it's really one of the best debuts I've ever heard.