The Suicide Machines: Steal This Record

The Suicide Machines

Steal This Record (2001)


I approached "Steal This Record" with cautious enthusiasm. Firm
believers in the "never do the same thing twice" theory, the Suicide
Machines have puzzled and astonished fans over their enduring 10 year
history. What first started out as Rancid-esque ska mixed with gritty
punk morphed into power pop with their last self-titled release. Love it
or hate it, you have to hand it to the Suicide Machines for taking new
strides and deviating from their already successful formula. "Battle
Hymns" (1998) is easily among the finest punk releases in the last five

"Steal This Record" immediately hits the listener over the head with
their current musical direction, poppy hooks and bridges mixed with old
school punk riffs and breakdowns. The tracks to follow seem to move
from hardcore punk to edgy pop. The track, "Steal This Record," hits
with the uncanny aggression and resemblance to "Hating Hate" off of
"Battle Hymns." The aptly titled "R.E.M. Song" is a fine rendition of the
REM staple, "It's the End of the World (and I Feel Fine)," with Toby
from H2O picking up the backing vocals.

The lyrical theme features the pervasive calls to eradicate racism, hate,
violence, and intolerance in our world. These issues hit close to home
in "Scars," a moving tribute to a fallen friend murdered in Atlanta. "All
My People" has a strangely relevant message with what has happened
with the terrorist attacks this month: 'If the price of peace is violence,
than I'm not gonna buy it…'

"Steal This Record," derived from the 60's activist book "Steal This
Book," is an encouraging step into new arenas for The Suicide
Machines. These guys won't be touring your local amphitheater next
week, so sit back, enjoy the music and pickup the lyric sheet.