
The End Of An Era (2001)

Scott Heisel

The spirit of '77 is alive and well in Cherry Valley, Illinois. The Fightbacks are a group of four young men who have a lot to say, and say it oh-so-eloquently through fiercely spat vocals, angry guitars, and drumming that makes you wonder if the drummer is having seizures while playing. This combination produces some really well-done punk rock that A) actually contains a message, B) is musically sound, and C) puts an emphasis on the word "punk" instead of the word "rock." The Fightbacks realize that once you can capture the punk, the rock will just come naturally. This is really a great debut disc from a band that could go places. My only advice? Drop the horns. A trumpet and a trombone appear on four songs, and they really only make one of those tracks sound better ["another song"]. Otherwise, the horns give it too much of a Less Than Jake style instead of an Against All Authority style, which I assume these boys would want. So, if you're looking for a gritty punk rock album that truly rocks and gets you in the mood to throw your fist up in the air, pick up "The End Of An Era."
[taken from a different kind of greatness webzine]