Pennywise: Pennywise


Pennywise (1991)


The early 90's…a time for change in a genre of music that had not changed really since the early 80's. New bands seemed to pop up everyday, some went unnoticed..but some bands strived to make themselves show they were there to make an impact and weren't budging. Case in point, one of the few bands who did so…Pennywise.

In 1991 the punk world wasn't ready for what was about to hit them…some of the most hard hitting in your face music of the time. The S/T album has remained a staple in punk rock for 10 years now, and is still one of the most highly regarded no matter what a critic or reviewer has ever said.

The speed, anger and intensity of this album is like no other. The band set out to take their old punk roots owing to bands such as Black Flag, T.S.O.L., Minor Threat and Bad Religion but at the same time throw in some hardcore compared to bands like Insted and No for An Answer. All that and a good amount of melody to create a sound all their own.

This, to be the bands first actual full-length showcases some amazing talent…a thing the band is widely known for today. Fletchers' guitar work is a masterwork in itself. The speed, and technical riffs he plays are just mind numbing. Not to mention Byrons' mach 5 drum ability, Jasons' incredible bass lines and songwriting and Jims' howitzer of a voice.

I'm sure a lot of you people that visit this site have something to owe to this record. It helped bring a new style of punk to it's feet and raised the limit of what a band can accomplish. It's just damn good.