Epoxies: My New World


My New World (2007)


So I tried to start this review off with an explanation of how the Epoxies are not a gimmick band. I had a bunch of sweet comparisons comparing supposed non-gimmick bands to other bands that are considered to be a gimmick. Well, that explanation did not turn out very well, so I deleted it. There is no way I am going to change people's definition of the word "gimmick," so I'll just let each person use their own definition for the word. Onto the review.

The opener, "My New World," rocks. I would say it is one of the top five songs the band has ever wrote, the other four being "Robot Man," "Synthesized," "Need More Time," and "Stop the Future." The second song on the album, "Here in the Dark" seems like it could be a song that could possibly receive some radio airplay. I have no idea what strategies Metropolis use to promote their bands but I could see the song being played on the local "alternative" rock radio station. The song seems to have a deep feeling behind it. Roxy Epoxy is a great singer and I consider this song the climax of the EP in regards to fulfilling her singing ability.

The next two songs, "Crystal Clear" and "Products," are played in typical Epoxies fashion. Both of the songs are about on par with any other average Epoxies song. There is nothing special about the lyrics or musicianship on these two songs. The "I'm crystal clear" line on "Crystal Clear" is definitely way too repetitive. "Products" is the better of the two songs but the idea behind the song has been covered by almost every new wave punk band that has put out a record. The final song on the album, "Tragedy" is awesome. It is a Wipers cover and I think that Greg Sage would be proud. The two songs are pretty similar, no major changes, the Epoxies even dropping their trademark synthesizer sound for the song. I would say Epoxies' version is a tiny bit faster, but it is hardly noticeable. If you have not heard the original you should probably buy a Wipers record instead of that NOFX album you were planning on buying.

One major disappointment with this album is the album booklet. There are no lyrics! This is always a negative in my opinion. Even though the lyrics are pretty easy to memorize from just listening to the album, the lack of printed lyrics is disappointing. One major positive with this album is the cover art. It is straight up bodacious. The colors just jump out and I think it looks cool. Bring on the art critics.

"Just look at the cover art," I exclaimed to my brother when he asked how good the new Epoxies five-song EP is. That may have been a slight exaggeration.