Phoenix Bodies: Too Much Information [CD/DVD]

Phoenix Bodies

Too Much Information [CD/DVD] (2007)


A CD from a grind outfit with 36 songs on it isn't exactly an anomaly, but if those tracks come from a number of splits, 7 inches, a live set and a demo, and they are packaged with a DVD featuring two live sets and an interview, well, now things are getting a bit interesting.

Musically, Too Much Information offers a batch of somewhat lo-fi, screamy grind, with plenty of reprieves and interesting interjections. The two vocalists, and often-inventive riffing, keep things from getting too redundant, but I don't know if this is the sort of stuff that could convert non-listeners to the genre. Thanks to a live set that is also featured on the DVD, and the fact that the band's demo makes them sound much more generic than they actually are, the last 20 tracks or so are a bit of a let-down after the much stronger start, but let's not forget about that DVD.

See, what you need to know is that Phoenix Bodies are a goofy bunch of dudes. Sure, they may not be as cartoonish as a band like the Great Redneck Hope, but live they seem more concerned with getting naked and posing ironically than bringing the brutality. And, well, that is what makes this (what appears to be) friend-made show footage and interview a worthy "bonus" for a collection like this. Luckily, the two sets filmed don't feature some sub-par corner-of-a-dark-basement looking footage, and the sound is not washed out by cymbal crashes or low-end frequencies. Now, don't be expecting a fucking masterpiece either, 'cause this video footage comes out much like Phoenix Bodies music: a little wild, a little sloppy and a little unpredictable, but still a sweaty good time. And yeah, there are some problems, like the loss of a mic at the Dude Fest 2004 set or the fact that the Summer Slam 2004 set only lasts six minutes, but the DVD seems to provide a much better understanding of who Phoenix Bodies are as a band, even if that means watching vocalist Derek proceed to take a piss mid-interview.