The Dwarves
How to Win Friends and Influence People (2001)
O.K. so most of you probably hate the Dwarves and as Punk rockers hate greatest hits alblums; but that aside the Dwarves are Punk rock fast, loud, angry, and offensive. The album starts out with the classic track Dominator and dosent slow down until the fourth song Any Body Out There. Astroboy speeds it up again followed by the all time Dwarves alltime classic Fuck You Up and Get High. Other highlights are Speed Demon, Fuck em all, Lets Fuck, Way Out,Dairy Queen, and The previously unreleased Surfing the Intercourse Barn, a spoken piece from lead singer Blag Dhalia's book Armed To the Teeth With Lipstick.
This album is amazing from start to finish. The fact that it's a greatest hits alblum takes away, but the songs are still great. These are only second to the Dwarves' live show a true experience. If you are already a Dwarves fan it's worth getting especially since some of the non- Epitaph releases are hard to find. If you dont know the Dwarves and aren't easily offended then this could be the alblum that converts you to the darkside or just makes you a Dwarves fan.