Dashboard Confessional
So Impossible (2001)
Love him or hate them, Dashboard Confessional, and Chris Carrabba in particular, are not leaving anytime soon. Adored by many, hated by just as many, Dashboard Confessional is quickly becoming one of the names thrown around the world of indie/emo/punk music. From his heartfelt lyrics to his shy personality and the stage frightened look on his face at live shows, Dashboard Confessional is creating a buzz all over.
The disc is back to the stripped down guitar and voice only style of the first album (Swiss Army Romance). The disk consists of 4 great new songs that tell a nice little story of a guy trying to meet a girl. It tells of his attempts to talk to her, to her talking to him, to them dating and ends with a wonderful recap of the first wonderful kiss. It is a neat little "concept" CD that really gives the listener a true feel of what Dashboard Confessional is all about.
The disc starts off with the shy nervous track "Hit it Off". The song hits a chord in anyone who has ever secretly longed after someone, yet been too afraid to say "hello". The second song and title track "So Impossible" explains the first conversation between two people and all the silly questions couples ask each other, "do you like coffee in the evening? These are a few of the things I like to know." This track is probably not the strongest on the disc, but defiantly not the worst. It seems to be rushed at parts and the lyrics seem silly at times. It continues the story the disc is telling very well. "Remember to Breathe", the third song on the disc is by far the weakest track on this release. This is probably my least favorite release from DC so far in the bands short career. The song's lyrics are boring and not as interesting as others on the disc, it also kind of slows down the flow of the disc. Perhaps the lackluster elements of the third track are because of the sheer beauty and emotion that is exemplified on the EP's closing track "Hands Down". All ready a live favorite amongst Dashboard fans; this song includes some of the best lyrics Chris has ever written. "My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill, so why don't you kill me? So I die happy", Could a more true sentiment ever have been written about standing on your girlfriend or boyfriends porch awaiting that first nervous, wonderful kiss? The song is the perfect ending to the story of the first date and a perfect ending to a pretty good disc.
This is a must have for anyone that enjoys good acoustic pop music. The CD continues Dashboard Confessional's heart-on-sleeve happy yet sad approach to song writing. So Impossible, while not the longest record out there, is extremely enjoyable. People who are fans of well-crafted lyrics, a simple yet well-played guitar and a nice story, should check this disc out. A well made album for a great musician and nice guy, just please don't call it emoâ¦