Kung Fu Killers
Game of Death (2002)
Brandon Sideleau
The first time that I read a description for the Kung Fu Killers I nearly wet my pants with excitement. I have waited years to hear a band that could match early '80's hardcore intensity and add something new as well. Then I immediately went to look for some of their songs, but couldn't find any. Now, 2 months later, I have bought this EP and I must say- this is gonna be one hell of a band.
The opener, "Burning Bush", is a fast, angry song with a vocal sound similar to Chavo from Black Flag and maybe a little Glenn Danzig. The second song, my personal favorite, "Werewolves In Our Youth", is even more intense than the first and has a very misfits-esque feel and sound. That song is followed by another gem "KFK Theme" which is basically a hardcore anthem. The last three songs are covers of classic hardcore tunes. The first one, "Wasting Time" is excellent, although I'm not sure which band originally wrote this. The last two are the Misfits' "I Turned Into A Martian" and the searing Black Flag classic "Room 13". Both of these covers are wonderful and pay perfect respect to those long deceased hardcore masterpeices. "Room 13" is especially intense, not quite as much as Rollins, but the better production gives the song a very eerie sound. It works beautifully.
This album is a must for anyone searching for music with balls and intensity- this is the future of hardcore. Hopefully you will read this and begin bugging the hell out of TKO to give this band more coverage and a wider range of distribution- it took me weeks to find this EP, so I finally just ordered it.