Breaking Things (1993)
After experiencing Percolater almost a year before, I was really looking forward to this album.
But as the release grew closer, I did have some reservations…
Firstly, the replacement of Scott Reynolds with former backup vocalist Chad Price had me a little concerned. Add to that, various reports that the album sounded a fair bit different from previous ALL efforts, meant that I had no idea what to expect.
By the time I actually got it, I was just hoping not to be disappointed…
I needn't have worried…
Breaking Things is (in this reviewers opinion anyway) the finest ALL release to date.
The whole band seem energized like never before here. Chad's vocals bring a real growl and power to the ALL sound and help drive every track. The music is harder, edgier, and more intense than any previous ALL album.
Songs like "Shreen" and "Guilty" are, simply put, ALL classics and a testament to Bill Stevenson as a songwriter. But it's not just Bill, great songs abound here, tracks like "Birthday I.O.U.", "Stick", "'Cause", "Original Me", & "Right" show exactly why ALL were (and still are to some extent) a vastly underrated and underappreciated rock band.
Nice to know that trademark quirky ALL humour is still present as well, on tracks like "Strip Bar" & "Horizontal".
And even in my mid twenties, every time I hear "Bail" I still wanna jump around the room like an idiot.
Almost a decade later, ALL have released 3 more albums and, although they've come close, have yet to better Breaking Things. If you're an ALL fan and somehow don't have this album, what are you waiting for?
And if you're new to ALL, you can do a hell of a lot worse than add Breaking Things to your collection. It's a fabulous record.