Assholeparade: Welcome Fucking Home [7-inch]


Welcome Fucking Home [7-inch] (2009)

Joe Pelone

I just wanted to say up front that Assholeparade's Welcome Fucking Home seven-inch contains seven songs. When listening to it, I picked out maybe three. Then I remembered that old story about how filmmakers had to slow down Bruce Lee's fight scenes so audiences could see his punches and switched my record player from the 45 rpm setting to 33 1/3. Oh hey, look. "Soldiers IV" really is a separate song from "Lesson One."

The A side is just one continuous butt-whooping. The band rips through one rapid-fire hardcore jam after another. The P side (see what they did there?) slows down for a bit with "Much Preesh"--the guitars are slower, more ominous--before ratcheting back up with the seconds-long "Freedom Fighters." The whole thing is pretty blistering, covering topics, if you can pick out the lyrics, about violence and poverty. Good times.